Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Make a whole quilt, or part of a quilt?
The schedule I’ve created assumes that you’ll be making sections of a quilt for each of your coat components (just the back for a Mullet, or the back, sleeves, front and hood for a Party All Over–a la how Brittney Frey does it: see here). The benefit of this method...
Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Coat Options, I Have Told You Thrice
I’m so happy I’m sending a third email about coat options so I can use this gif from Schitt’s Creek. If you haven’t watched it yet….GET ON IT! It’s my fave. You can find it on Netflix, or purchase on Amazon Prime. Here are some more patterns that are size...
Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Coat Options Part Deux (inclusive sizing)
I can’t believe my little QCAL is up to over 50 people–57 to be exact! I honestly started it to have a few quilty friends to help keep me accountable. I was only planning for my OG group of 12. Then I figured…if I’m writing all these emails for...
Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Let’s Talk About Fabric
WAAAAAAAIIIIITTTT!!!! I know we are still two months out from starting, but Lex and I just went to our local quilt shop to get the fabric for our coats. I’m happy with my choices, but I am definitely jealous of her fabrics–I can’t wait to see what y’all pick!...