Category: quiltcoatalong

Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Thanks, it has pockets

For all of those worried about not being “on track” with the schedule… I’m behind too (and I’m hosting this thing  ). I made my mockup two months ago, but haven’t done anything since. As I mentioned last week, I have been in a depressive funk and just can’t...

Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Week 3 – Quilt back and front components

I took an unexpected break from Instagram starting Wednesday night. I knew I’d be on the app less because I took (and am still on–I fly home tomorrow afternoon) a trip with my dad to middle of nowhere Nevada starting Thursday morning. We’ve been very busy during the day,...

Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Week 1 – Muslin Mockup

We are FINALLY starting the Quilt Coat Along!! I’m so excited to have y’all here. We technically start tomorrow, but in case you have been chomping at the bit, here’s the info for the week 🙂   First off, if you share your progress in a post on your...

Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Here Batter Batter Batting

Let’s talk a bit about batting. I’ve only ever used Warm & Natural (or Warm & White) by  The Warm Company  so (like the rest of this QCAL), I don’t have any personal experience or knowledge to share! But, if you’ve read all the previous emails, you know I...

Clueless QCAL (As if!) — How to Read A Clothing Pattern

I hope the information I’ve compiled and shared has been helpful; and even if you can’t join or “fall behind” I hope you can still use all the info whenever you can make a coat. Now, onto a subject I’ve gotten several requests to cover. If you’ve never made...

Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Miscellaneous features/design elements

If you haven’t had a chance to think about/decide on a coat or quilt pattern, or selected fabrics, have no fear–you still have plenty of time. And if the timing just won’t work to follow along with the QCAL, I hope you find the information useful for whenever you...

Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Quilt Design Ideas, Part Deux

In case you weren’t already overwhelmed with all the choices I shared in a previous email…here are some more patterns that I think could be great on a coat. Some may be duplicates from previous emails. As I mentioned before, I like modern designs, so that’s what you’ll see...

Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Make a whole quilt, or part of a quilt?

The schedule I’ve created assumes that you’ll be making sections of a quilt for each of your coat components (just the back for a Mullet, or the back, sleeves, front and hood for a Party All Over–a la how Brittney Frey does it: see here). The benefit of this method...