Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Quilt Design Ideas

I think this is the hardest part for me…selecting a quilt design for my coat. I still have NO idea which one I’m going with. Is anyone else finding selecting a quilt design the hardest part of the pre-sewing process?
If you are looking for some pattern inspiration for your coat, here are some examples of patterns turned into coats or patterns that I think could be cool on a coat.
Disclaimer…I lean towards modern quilt designs, so there will be more modern examples than traditional designs. I’ve included designs I’ve seen on coats, as well as quilt designs I like that I think could work for either a Mullet or Party All Over coat. 
If you decide to make a Mullet or Party All Over coat, you can use a whole quilt pattern, part of a quilt pattern, or even just a block). If you decide to do A Little Bedazzling coat, you’ll be looking for a block to feature on the pockets. See previous email for what MulletParty All Over and A Little Bedazzling are.
Gather by Suzy Quilts
Range Quilt by Modern Handcraft
Misc Patterns
Quilts/designs that could be turned into coats
Single Blocks
Scaling Quilt Pattern & Fabric Requirements
Both the following blogs were linked in last week’s email about types of quilt coats.
  • Brittney Frey did a guest post on Suzy’s blog with lots of tips and tricks. She talks about how to scale your quilt or block pattern to fit.
  • Jodie of Scribbly Gum Quilt Co has a bunch of information on how to determine how much fabric is needed for each type of coat. Check it out here.
Purchasing Fabric

Monica has a friend who runs a fabric shop who is offering 20% off your first order 🙂 The code is listed right on the home page!

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