Clueless QCAL (As if!) — Welcome & Schedule

First off, we are now the Clueless QCAL (#cluelessqcal) since none of us have made a quilt coat before, and most haven’t made clothing (or at least anything with sleeves). I’m confident with the many resources online, and sharing our personal experiences, we can figure this out together!

In case anyone is interested, you can watch Clueless on HBO 



Now down to the business! Let me first say, you by NO MEANS have to start the planning process just because we are chatting about it in the IG group, and I’m sending out some resources. I’m the kind of person that once I have a project in mind, even if I won’t be tackling it for months, I like doing all the research right away…or at least till my excitement/motivation runs out.
Since I know many of you have kiddos (and lives!), I made the schedule longer than others I’ve seen, with less work to do each week. Hopefully this allows everyone to keep up/motivated to continue with the group. With a slower schedule, the workload isn’t insane if you have to work ahead a week, or catch up after missing a week. Anyhoo…below is the current schedule!
I don’t want this email to be insanely long–it’s easier for great info to be missed. So, I will send another email today or tomorrow with some great resources I (and others) have found, as well as some inspirational coats.

Week 0

Before 9/26

Select & purchase coat pattern, quilt pattern, fabrics*

*Will need to decide if lining your coat, or binding seams

Week 1


Muslin (or fleece/old quilt) coat mockup (cut, sew, make/note alterations).

Prewash all final coat fabrics, including batting

Week 2


Cut & piece back and front quilt pieces

Week 3


Baste & quilt back and front quilt pieces

Week 4


Cut & piece sleeves, hood, and pockets (if not piecing, this is a break/catchup week)

Week 5


Baste & quilt sleeve, hood and pockets

Week 6


Cut out all pattern pieces from completed quilted components

Week 7


Assemble coat

Week 8


Cut lining or cut/prep seam binding (if not lining)

Week 9


Thanksgiving week — Catchup or Relax!

Week 10


Install lining/seam binding

Week 11


Tada! Share your finished coat!!

Thanks so much for joining me!!

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